How Often Do 70 Year Old Make Love?


Sex and aging is a topic that affects so many people. But it is also often overlooked. A better understanding of the relationship between sex and age is a huge part of personal wellness and an important part of rekindling relationships later in life. Let’s skip all the stigma of sex and aging and get on topic.

From questions like “How often do 70-year-olds make love?” to know about common sexual issues and ideas for how to rekindle your relationship and improve your life.

What is the Importance of discussing sexual health in older adults?


Sexual activity is an important part of health and prosperity and is associated with greater life satisfaction among older adults. People don’t become asexual with age, although they may change their sexual activity because of physiological changes.

Given the availability of medications and devices to improve sexual function, physicians must be willing and ready to initiate sexual consultations with older patients problems, and sexual health is part of routine health care for older adults. Discussions about sex are rare, in part because doctors unconsciously acknowledge stereotypes about sexual function among the elderly.

What Can Impact Sexuality as You Get Older?

Several factors can affect sleep as you get older—generally, anything that affects your health or well-being can also toll your libido. Older adults can have difficulty with sexual function due to hormonal changes that occur with age, or from medical conditions such as arthritis, hypertension, stress a chronic or depression. In addition, older people have a harder time getting aroused or having an orgasm afterward, if you think your medication is causing the sexual problems of menopause

Some Common misconceptions surrounding the sexual activity of 70-year-olds:

The first misconception thing is that older adults are not sexually active or interested in sex so there is no reason to ask about their sexual health. but though how often they have sex although the role of sharing decreases with age, older adults continue to be sexually active.

In a study in England, 86% of men and 60% of women aged 60 to 69 years old reported sexual desire, as did 59% of men and 39% of women aged 70 to 79 years, 31% of men and 14% of women aged made it 80 years or older. In fact, in a US study of people aged 75 to 85 years, 54% reported having sex with two or three partners several times a month, and 23% had sex once a week or more.

Factors Influencing Sexual Activity in 70-Year-Olds:

Various factors can affect sexual activities in individuals, regardless of age. While it’s important to note that individual experiences and preferences vary greatly, here are some factors that can affect sexual activity in people in their 70-year-old.

Physical health:

Overall health can have a significant impact on sexual activities. Chronic illnesses, travel issues, and other health issues may affect the ability or desire to engage in sexual activities.

Effects of medication:

Some medications have side effects that affect sexual function or libido. Individuals should discuss any concerns about side effects with their healthcare providers. Some medications for sexual function like Cenforce, Vidalista, and Fildena.

Psychological Well-being:

Mental health plays an important role in sexual well-being. Factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and body image issues can affect sexual desire and performance.

Cultural and Social Factors:

Cultural and social attitudes toward sexuality can affect a person’s comfort and openness about sexual activity. Personal values ​​and beliefs also play a role.

What is Relationship Dynamics?

Relationship Dynamics

Relationship Dynamics are behavior between two people that affect how people communicate and communicate. Healthy relationship dynamics create trust, compassion, and equality. Relationship dynamics can occur between two partners and even colleagues.

Importance of Communication:

Effective communication:

Healthy relationships involve open and honest communication. The partner should feel comfortable so they can express their thoughts and feelings to each other.


Poor communication can build misunderstanding and frustration. It is important to be aware of different communication types and work towards effective communication.

Emotional Intimacy:

In addition to physical intimacy, emotional intimacy is important like sharing feelings, dreams, and vulnerabilities creates a deeper bond.

What are Societal and Cultural Influences?

Societal and Cultural Influences play an important role in behaviors, attitudes, and values within relationships. These influences are widespread and include a variety of factors that affect how people perceive, initiate, and maintain relationships. Here we have some ways of Societal and Cultural Influences which can influence relationship dynamics:

Societal and Cultural Expectations:

Different cultures have different values ​​and expectations for relationships, marriage, and family structure. These cultural norms typically dictate different roles, responsibilities, and behaviors in relationships.

Societal expectations are related to gender roles which can influence your relationship dynamics. Traditional gender roles may refer to expectations regarding each partner’s behaviors, responsibilities, and decision-making roles in the relationship.

Media and Popular Culture:

Media including TV, movies, and social media, can influence people’s relationships. Images of love, affection, and interpersonal development in popular culture can influence individuals’ expectations and behaviors in relationships.

Personal choices and preferences:

Personal choices and preferences are central dynamics of the relationship. They reflect personal values and desires, shaping how people navigate and contribute to their own experiences. Here are some aspects of personal choice and preference in relationship terms:

Partner Selection:


Personal preferences play an important role in determining what individuals find attractive and suitable as potential partners. Factors like physical appearance and personal interests often these choices influence them.


Sexual problems arise in different ways in older age’s people. Only age increases the risk of delayed ejaculation, low libido, vaginal dryness, and pelvic organ prolapse. Medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and incontinence can also directly or indirectly interfere with sleep.

Lifestyle and emotional issues that can interfere with sexual function at all ages may be greater in adults 65 years of age and older. These include depression, relationship problems, and alcohol abuse. You can consult to doctor and improve not only your life but your sex life as well. Keeping open lines of communication and embracing change as a natural part of life can help rejuvenate your sex life as you approach your later years.


Q1. Do older men have a hard time coming?

Ans: As men age, erectile dysfunction becomes less severe and less frequent. So orgasm is short-lived, and ejaculation is done with little energy. Ejaculation also reduces sperm count. Also, older men do not experience sexual intercourse in any orgasm.

Q2. Can a 70-year-old man get a woman pregnant?

Ans: There is no maximum age at which a man cannot have a baby. You can be a father for a long time, but there are risks.

Q3. At what age do men need Viagra?

Ans: Only 4% reported symptoms of erectile dysfunction with onset between 40 and 49 years of age. Almost 1 in 4 said their ED symptoms began between the ages of 50 and 59. Two in five men said they began between the ages of 60 and 69 years

Q4. What are the sexual health concerns of older adults?

Ans: Sexually active older adults can develop risk infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia infection, genital herpes, hepatitis, genital herpes, and trichomoniasis.

Q5. At what age does sexuality end?

Ans: There is no age limit because it depends on many factors.

Q6. What is the most common sexual problem in older men?

Ans: Impotence (erectile dysfunction) is also common with age. ED is a loss of ability to develop and maintain sexual opposition, and opposition may not be as strong or intense as it used to be. If it happens occasionally, ED is not a problem, but if it happens frequently.

Q7. What are the most common relationship dynamics?

Ans: Power dynamics often play an important role in romantic relationships. The most common are assertiveness/withdrawal, distance/control, and fear/shame.

Q8. What are the learning preferences of older adults?

Ans: Older adults want more structure, need greater mobility, prefer auditory learning as much as formal programming, and study alone or with others.